Ephesus was an important coastal city, well-known for its rich history, economic hubs, religious temples, as well as the arts, not unlike Cape Town. Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church illuminates how the gospel grows our faith and discipleship, and gives practical insights into living a life pleasing to God, and shows how the gospel engages with culture, and speaks to the city. We spent18 weeks (divided into 5 mini-series) over the course of 2019, journeying through Ephesians.
Ephesians series Resources
In Reach
Parenting Resources
210 stop Bible Adventure
Family Bible Reading Resource
Terran’s 210 Stop bible Adventure Explained
“Christian parents are meant to “bring their children up in the instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4). How do I do this? As an interim between Kid’s Bibles (ages 1-6) and reading the Bible on their own (ages 13+), once my kids turn 7 or 8, I set aside 10-15 minutes most days to try to take them through these 210 passages/videos. I plan to loop through all of them twice with each child.”
In Christ
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the church has a future
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Walk This Way
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church leaders!
If you would like to run this series at your church, you can download all of our sermon notes, series artwork (posters, social media, web banners etc.) and more FREE at commonresources.com