Soul Detox
It is a popular and worthwhile phenomenon to give thought to the things in our lives that are causing us to be unhealthy. Fad diets such as Banting, Paleo, Whole30; Pop exercise regimes like HIIT, CrossFit, Pilates; apps like MyFitnessPal and Run, Zombie, Run are all the rage. New promises for a new and better you in just 4 weeks or less.
But how often do we consider the health of our internal life? What we are feeding our souls a steady diet of. This series aims to do just that. Covering toxic influences, thoughts, emotions and relationships and what wisdom Scripture gives us on how to remedy and deal with toxicity in these areas, we will be exploring how to get fit and healthy on a soul-ular level for the next 4 weeks.
Download the Soul Detox 30 day challenge below:
During this series, we challenged ourselves on what we feed our souls. In order to help make the most of this, why not consider joining us as we try cut a few things from our soul diets to make space for what we think God would be saying to us over this time.
Available to listen to here online or for download. If you’d like to find the specific talk from your congregation please go to their individual page and subscribe to the congregational podcast.
Life Group Guides
These guides have been created to help small group leaders lead their groups through the content covered in the previous Sunday’s talk. Included are tips on how to navigate this particular subject, foster engagement, encourage questions and provide informed responses.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
church leaders!
If you would like to run this series at your church, you can download all of our sermon notes, series artwork (posters, social media, web banners etc.) and more FREE at